2026 Residency Application Period:
August 1, 2025 - October 1, 2025
The Studios Inc Residency Program awards a three-year studio space to mid-career artists eager to grow their portfolio. Conveniently located in Kansas City’s thriving Crossroads Arts District, Artists-in-Residence use the industrial-sized spaces to grow their bodies of work while engaging with the regional arts community to an enhanced degree.
Studios Inc Artist Residency Eligibility Guidelines:
Hold residency in the Greater Kansas City area or be willing to relocate to live in the Kansas City area for the duration of the residency (three years).
Support program objectives by maintaining a strong studio and community presence.
Identify as a mid-career artist* with at least 7 years of proven post-graduate experience in the field and a well developed body of work.
Possess a strong desire to use the awarded space to create a significant body of work that propels the artist the their next level of professional achievement.
*“Mid-career” is a flexible category defined partly by age, partly by time on the job, but they have one thing in common: their work has developed over time and maintained its presence for a number of years as evidenced by regional or national recognition through publication or public presentation. Beyond our quantitative measure of seven years experience after undergraduate studies, it is a qualitative measure where an artist has a body of work that has a well developed language or style.
August 1, 2025: Application period opens
October 1, 2025: Application period closes at 11:59 CST
October 2025: Jury will review all eligble applications
November 2025: Finalist Presentations
Mid-December 2025: Award Notification
February 2026: Three-year Residency term begins
Three-year residency term, beginning February 2026 and concluding Janurary 2029.
Access to wood shop and fenced-in lot for outdoor installations or workspace
Industrial studio spaces ranging from 500 to 3,000 sq ft.
The opportunty to create a powerful solo exhibition in our large exhibition hall.
Resident artist’s work included in our annual Spring exhibition.
The Studios Patron Program provides the opportunity for a heightened level of dialogue between resident artist and patron through studio visits and exhibitions.
Heightened public recognition and broader access to collectors.
Artist shall maintain residence in the Greater Kansas City area for the duration of their residency (three years).
Artist must sign a Temporary Art Space License Agreement documenting their occupancy requirements.
Artist is required to purchase and maintain Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance for the duration of their residency.
Artists provide their own materials, supplies, furniture, equipment, etc. Studios Inc is never responsible for loss to an Artist's personal property including art work. Artists are encouraged to carry insurance for personal property.
Artist must maintain a strong studio presence, maximizing use of available facilities to create significant work.