
Dylan Mortimer

My work explores how ideas are sold. I navigate concepts of marketing, soliciting and evangelism… ideas about selling an idea. The views we hold closest to our hearts- politically, socially, spiritually- the things we feel are too valuable to be kept to ourselves, motivate us to go about the work of convincing others of our view/perspective/belief. Visually, my work employs methods of communication through signage, advertising, slogans, etc. My struggle deals with my upbringing in evangelical Christianity, and the navigation of my own beliefs in the context of growing up with a respiratory disease. My faith was helpful in my struggle in many ways. The rest of my life has been navigating how that relates to anyone outside of me. We all have convictions that have helped us privately. My interest is in how those private convictions function outside the self. I’m interested in the messy, yet necessary process of how personal beliefs/opinions/convictions collide in the public.

Artist-in-residence from 2011 to 2013.