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Poetry & Percussion in response to "Player"

Visit Studios Inc on for an exciting collaboration and immersive exhibition!

Peregrine Honig's "Player" directs the audience into seven theater sets. Each 6x9 foot oil painting presents life size characters in pigment layered backgrounds waiting for their light. Staring out from the woods, swinging from the moon, hanging by their ankle, the viewer is invited into and out of the dark. The characters and audience are players being played.

On Saturday, December 16th, poets Hadara Bar-Nadav and Jose Faus will join artist Peregrine Honig in the Studios Inc Exhibition Hall to read their poetry in response to Player live as the paintings are dramatically lit one by one. Mike Dillon will perform on marimba and tabla. Please join us at noon for this exciting, immersive, and FREE event.

November 18

Artist Talk: Peregrine Honig

December 23

Closing Reception: Player