Zhang's "Waterfall #1" Chinese ink on Italian fabric, 5x30 feet
Hong Chun Zhang
Hong Chun Zhang is a mid-career artist who combines Chinese traditional fine style technique with contemporary ideas and draws from her experiences in China as well as the United States. Both in form and in process, Zhang’s work contains richly layered fine details on a massive scale. Her trademark works are large black and white charcoal drawings of long black hair that explore her identity as a Chinese immigrant, woman, and mother.
Zhang states, “For the next 3 years, I would like to take advantage of the space at Studios Inc to execute large-scale works not only for exhibition at Studios Inc but also for upcoming shows at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Spencer Museum of Art, and for the new Kansas City International Airport. This new body of work will move beyond my previous two-dimensional charcoal work on paper, in which viewers had always been intentionally separated from the installation and were able to view it only from a distance. ...The public is invited to walk in and around the installation as well as touch the work. Thus, the visitor can actually “enter” and be unified with the work.”
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