Internship Spotlight: Northland CAPS

Studios Inc is proud to be a partner of Northland Center for Advanced Professional Studies (Northland CAPS) this semester. The Northland CAPS program provides high school students with a hands on learning environment while being immersed in the business community. The goal is to have students ready for the real world and give them the opportunity to pursue their desired career path. Our first two interns from the Northland CAPS program are Sicily and Jesse. Sicily is interested in pursuing journalism after high school, which is why she decided to join the team. She helps with managing the Studios’ social media accounts and assists the other interns with content production for the Studios’ various media outlets.Jesse, our Digital Medial and Design intern,  is in charge of digital media content. When being asked why Jesse wanted to pursue an internship with the Studios he said, “The instructor for CAPS told me about the program and knew it was something that could get me started in the graphic design world.”  Jesse closed his interview by stating, “I researched the Studios Inc and saw how helpful they are to artist and the arts community in Kansas and decided to dip my toes in”. We look forward to seeing their growth over this semester and are excited to see where this new partnership leads us.


An Interview with Robert Gann


Artists and Healthcare? Game changer!