Introducing: Ben Rosenthal!

For the next few weeks Studios Inc will be publishing an introductive series centered on our newest batch of artists: Ben Rosenthal, Kathy Liao, and Susan White. This week we focus on the works of visual artist Ben Rosenthal. Rosenthal’s work oscillates between the varied realities of religion, sexuality, and militarism and their relationship with technology, through a queer “technosexual” lens. The work of spectral glances [in] and [of] prophetic tremors, [not touching] is a series of large installations combined into one unit containing a series of video channels that oscillate between a protruding finger covered in frenetically twitching patterns, masses of shapes and bodies that are coated in bright colors and visual textures, dental camera recordings probing the body of the artist, and bright colorations of TV noise all paced by the sounds of mediated breathing and recited queer sexting.The installation blasts the viewer’s senses and creates pockets of emotions like curiosity and sensuality that pervade throughout the entire space.Ben Rosenthal will premiere a two-installation piece called of surfaces tension[ed] against petrified flesh[ness] at our group exhibition studiosinc:2018 on view from 3.09.18 through 4.13.18Ben Rosenthal earned an MFA in Studio Art from University of California, Davis and a BFA in Art from Carnegie Mellon University. Ben Rosenthal’s work has been featured internationally at various exhibitions, festivals or venues in Stuttgart, Germany; Bangkok, Thailand; Gimpo-Se, South Korea; Mexico City, Mexico among others. Rosenthal is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas. He teaches visual art, performance art, experimental animation, graduate seminar, and interdisciplinary acts.


studiosinc:2018 TONIGHT


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