Studios New Residents!!!

Anne Austin Pearce and Judith G. Levy join our eclectic and diverse residency program and bring their unique skills, talents, and abilities to Studios Inc. We are ecstatic that these two artists are joining our family this January.Pearce’s work centers around the ambiguity of moments intermingled between our inner self or intimate moments in our personal relationships. She describes this ambiguity as a moment of loss or gain, bondage or freedom. “It happens when we are grappling with a dream deferred or an expectation not met. it is the time passed shifting sensibilities, wavering between resolution and avoidance, teetering at the threshold of debilitating anxiety or liberating submission, deciding what, when and how to speak, what to distill, and whether to scream.Levy’s work explores the historical, social, political and identity issues that complicate and contradicts the state of commonality within society. “I am interested in how perceptions, definitions and concepts are shaped.”These two capable artists compliment our storied residency program and we cannot wait to see what these two have in store!


Anonymous Women: Demise, Camouflage and Calamity


Abigail Brightwell-Gray's "conceptual views"