Current Intern Interviews Former Intern: A Talk with Cicely Jones

Former Intern and recent UMKC Grad, Cicely Jones

Former Intern and recent UMKC Grad, Cicely Jones

Recently, Lauren Markley, a current intern at Studios Inc, sat down with Cicely Jones, who interned at Studios Inc from Fall of 2019 through Spring of 2020, to discuss her internship experience.

LM: Tell me about yourself, what are you planning on doing now that you’ve graduated?

CJ: Now that I have graduated, I want to dedicate more time to myself and my art. While being in school, there was a lack of time to focus on what I am passionate about. I am also currently job searching because I don’t want to be a starving artist.

LM: What advice would you give to incoming interns at Studios Inc?

CJ: Be open-minded. By doing that you are not so closed off. I was able to do things differently and I found new ways of doing things. Be honest, specifically about the things you do not know. Asking questions and being transparent on what I did or did not know helped me absorb information better.”  

LM: What was your favorite part about being an intern?

CJ: Is everything an answer?! Planning for group exhibitions is my favorite. I felt like an official curator and was able to see what the artists saw in their work. 

LM: Which artwork stood out to you most?

 CJ: “Made in America” by Lori Raye Erickson (see image below). I am fascinated by how the artwork shows juxtaposing visuals: the highchair and the pacifier are ‘fragile’ but the material of the sculpture being made of lead is “butch and hard”. It is a memorable piece and strikes up a conversation.

Another artwork that stood out to me was ‘Please Exit, Doors Are Closing’ by Tatana Kellner (see image featured right). I enjoy the history and culture within the prints. While installing it, I had to arrange the prints in a specific order, and I needed to be careful due to the prints being made of delicate paper.” 

LM: If you were to describe Studios Inc in one word what would it be?

CJ: Game-changing. I think that Studios Inc brings new things to art galleries. I also like the direction Studios Inc is heading. It is revolutionary. I wish more people knew about it. 


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