New Horizons | From One Intern to Another | An Interview with Joseph Christian Bañez

What university did you attend and what was your major?

Missouri Western State University in Saint Joseph, Missouri. I just graduated this May 2021 with a BFA in Studio Art concentration in Painting and a minor in Art History. Previously I went to Truman State University in Kirksville and graduated with a BS in Health Science.

Were you a Program Support, Communications, or Organizational Support Intern at Studios Inc?

I was a program support intern with Gallery/Exhibitions.

What kind of projects did you work on?

During my time at Studios Inc, I assisted with a lot of prep and takedown of exhibitions and gallery shows. I would be a host and additional support during our openings. An extra hand for the artists in residence in their studios if they needed help moving some of their work or documenting pieces. I also got to create an artist essay to spotlight Kathy Liao one of the artists in residence. 

What was it like creating your own exhibition?

It was something I’ve never done before, but ecstatic to do. Seeing all the moving pieces it takes to plan and execute an exhibition gave me insight into what it takes to be a curator in the fine art world. After it was over I felt very informed about curation and confident in future projects.


Which artwork was your favorite in the Interstices exhibition?

Deadwater by Marie Bannerot McInerney. It has this dichotomy of feeling like a looming opposing figure, but it is physically diminutive. As if this large concept of disintegration can feel overwhelming, but Deadwater captures that quality and places it into a format that you can grasp as a whole with beautiful intricate details. 

What was your favorite part about interning at Studios Inc?

The exhibition/gallery openings. I find being a host and socializing very enjoyable. Spending time talking about art is always a great thing. 

Do you have any tips for me?

Say yes to the opportunities presented. Getting the experience in an artist in residence program with such a busy gallery/exhibition schedule gives you invaluable experience that’s hard to come by whether it be talking to patrons, preparing work to be shipped, learning how to properly hang artwork, or even something like how to properly spackle a wall. All of it will inform a career in the art world no matter what you’re doing. 

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

I am currently in the Summer Undergraduate Residency Program at the New York Academy of Art in Manhattan. I will be spending the month of June taking classes at the Academy, exploring the New York City art scene, and creating work. After the month is over I’m planning to stay out in New York City.


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